Scan the packaging in your supermarkets beer aisle, and you might get the impression that the beer industry is marketing to two completely different species. In one camp, you’ve got the craft beer drinker, who likes oil paintings of Queen Anne and will dissertate on the nature of hops at the drop of a mildly ironic porkpie hat. In the other, you’ve got the mass-market beer drinker, who like his beer wet. But Redhook, a 29-year-old, Seattle-based craft beer company with big ambitions, is hedging its bets that American beer consumers aren’t so starkly divided, that somewhere out there, there exists a gray area, where the extreme beer snob meets the dude for whom the high life is of the Miller variety.
via To Lure A New Type Of Consumer, Redhook Beer Rebrands Itself | Co.Design.