Tag: Design Thinking

Leader as a Social Architect

Leadership success is largely governed by, amongst other things, one’s ability to create an ecosystem of engagement, meaning, performance and growth.

Source: Organizational Leader as a Social Architect – Tanmay Vora

What is UX Design?

Every software product has a user-facing side for people to interact with. That interaction is an experience. Here’s how to make that experience a great one

Source: Seriously Though, What Is UX Design Really? | The Next Web

McKinsey’s Approach to Agile Marketing

The truth is, many marketing organizations think they’re working in an agile way because they’ve adopted some agility principles, such as test and learn or reliance on cross-functional teams. But when you look below the surface, you quickly find they’re only partly agile, and they therefore only reap partial benefits.

via Agile Marketing: A Step-By-Step Guide | McKinsey & Company