Tag: Animals

Please Pass The Soma

So many passionately expressed their outrage back in September when the repeal of Obamacare was very real…and failed…thanks to those passionate voices.

Here’s the rub, the Republican Tax Bill — now all but assured passage by the Senate — includes a powerful provision that removes the Individual Mandate to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), effectively starving Obamacare — and will have a very similar effect on the lives of Americans as a straight repeal — increases in premiums for everyone and reduce coverage to affordable healthcare for millions who need it most.

I understand that taxes are messy and there’s so much wrong with this bill (including screwing over Polar Bears) — but I’m surprised by how many folks are sidelining this time around.

Is it fatigue..you know…it just doesn’t matter? You changed your mind about the need for affordable healthcare? You like the tax bill? Magical Thinking? Waiting for the overtime victory that’s snatched out of the jaws of certain defeat? You’re tired seeing these silly political posts and want more cat photos? Done.

Credit: Christopher Pollard. My Cat Sunny

I really don’t know.

Oh, well…I guess its time to embrace our new Kleptocracy, Corporatocracy or Oligarchy…you choose.

Please pass the Soma.

Source: Please Pass The Soma | Medium





Vikings Go Duck Duck Gray Duck

So, this happened during last night’s Minnesota Vikings v. Chicago Bears game at Solders Field. Nice to see a bit more fun on the field.


Here’s an updated map to celebrate the moment.



And, an updated Duck Duck Gray Duck map.











Emotion For Our Pets Helps Explain Human Health Spending

Harriet exploring on the shores of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. Photo: Christopher Pollard

In almost every year since the 1960s, health care spending has grown at least as fast as the overall economy, and often much faster. Strange as it may sound, how we care for our pets offers some answers.

Source: How Emotion Over Pet Care Helps Explain Human Health Spending – The New York Times

Make the New Year Yours

Best wishes to you and yours for an outstanding & healthy 2017.

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
― T.S. Eliot

Go forth and kick some ass, take names, get shit done, try something new, be passionate and make this New Year yours – peacefully and with class of course.